How to Setup Your Elementor Contact Form Operating Correctly

Elementor has already done all the work for you and offered some helpful tips for setting up your contact form so that it will be working correctly as soon as you are through with it. Here is how to set up an efficient contact form on Elementor.

How to Setup Your Elementor Contact Form Operating Correctly

If you're going to have people contact your business, then it's important that you make sure they get in touch with you. That's where a contact form comes in handy. This type of form is an excellent way to collect information and give your customers the opportunity to ask questions or provide feedback. But it can be difficult to create a perfectly functioning contact form on your own.

Luckily, Elementor has already done all the work for you and offered some helpful tips for setting up your contact form so that it will be working correctly as soon as you are through with it. Here is how to set up an efficient contact form on Elementor.

What Is a Contact Form?

A contact form is a simple and easy way to collect information from your customers. With a contact form, people can ask questions they may have about your company, request more information, or provide feedback. This type of form is an excellent way to collect information that will help you develop new products or services.

To set up your contact form on Elementor, you only need to simply add the contact form widget and then customize it with your desired options. You'll be able to create a contact form that functions properly for your business in no time!

The following are some helpful tips for setting up an efficient contact form on Elementor:

  • Make sure you allow visitors to submit their questions anonymously. This will help prevent any pesky spam messages from clogging up your inbox.
  • Change the length of the text field so that it's not too long. Often times, people don't want to fill out long forms and they may be more interested in chatting with someone directly instead of filling out a lengthy questionnaire. Keep this in mind when designing your form!
  • Consider adding an email opt-in box as well as an unsubscribe button so that you can stay on top of what's going on in your business and make sure that your customers are happy.
  • Always test your contact form to make sure that it's working correctly. You don't want any unhappy customers contacting you through other methods because they couldn't get in touch with you through the contact form!

Now that you know the tips for setting up your contact form, it's time to get started!

How to Setup Your Elementor Contact Form

Step 1: First, create a page and name it contact us.

Step 2: Then, click Edit with Elementor, and add the form widget. Form widget is only available with Pro Version.

Step 3: Now, customize your widget with the desired options. You'll be able to create a contact form that functions properly for your business in no time!

Step 4: Next, input your company name and email address into the appropriate fields. Your email address should be set up as a mailbox so that people can send you messages. You can make it public or private depending on how much privacy you want your company's contact information to have.

Step 5: Add an additional field with type as "honeypot". this will help reduce spam.

Step 6: Once you've set up all of these fields, click on Save Changes at the top right corner of your page. Then go ahead and edit your content! Add whatever information is pertinent for your contact form and allow people to leave questions or feedback with a clickable link in the footer of any page on your site.

Make sure you allow visitors to submit their questions anonymously. This will help prevent any pesky spam messages from clogging up your inbox.

Elementor Form Not Sending Email?

There are a couple of issues that you may run into while trying to set up your Elementor contact form. Here is how to fix them:

If your Elementor contact form is not working and, you're not receiving any emails, there are a few potential reasons for this.

Your Site Email may be blacklisted

First, it’s probably because emails from your site are being treated as spam. This could be because of several reasons. You have to check if your email address is in the blacklist or not.

To check this, you can go through a service like MX toolbox and see what emails are blacklisted in which countries by going to Email Blacklist Check Tool

If an email from your site shows up as being blacklisted, then it’s time to check the spam score of your email address. You can do this by using a tool like Email Spam Checker.

Your site may be having SMTP issues.

Another reason why you may not be receiving emails from your Elementor contact form is because of SMTP issues. This means that the email was sent, but it never arrived at its destination.

Email is sent through wp_mail function which uses the PHP send_mail function by default. However, if this function doesn’t work for you, then you can use SMTP. You just need to configure the settings accordingly.

You can find more information about how to set up your SMTP here: How To Set Up SMTP With WordPress

Elementor form not configured correctly

The last reason why you may not be receiving emails from your Elementor contact form is because it wasn’t configured correctly. This could mean that there are some errors in the code or that the settings aren’t correct.

To check if this is the case, you can use a tool like Debug Bar to see if any errors are being generated.

If you find that the form isn’t configured correctly, then it’s time to go back and fix the errors.

So, these are some of the potential reasons why you may not be receiving emails.

Benefits on Setting Up Your Contact Form

There are many benefits to setting up an efficient contact form on your site. Here are just a few:

  • You'll be able to collect valuable information that will help you develop new products or services for your business customers. You can stay in touch with customers and maintain relationships with them by using Elementor's built-in email opt-in feature. You can also unsubscribe customers who no longer want to hear from you.
  • Your contact form will help reduce spam on your website. People will be less likely to leave comments on your blog or social media pages if they know that they can easily get in touch with you through a contact form.
  • You'll look more professional and organized by having an effective contact page on your site. Customers will know that you're willing to answer their questions and respond promptly!


For your website to be successful, it needs to have a contact form on it. Without this form, your website is missing the opportunity to reach out to potential customers and turn them into loyal customers. Elementor makes setting up your contact form easy and efficient so that you can focus on what's important: your business!

If you have any questions about how to set up an effective contact form on Elementor, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for help. We're more than happy to assist you in creating a contact form that works for you.

You can use Elementor to create a contact form that works best for your business needs by following the steps listed above!

About Author

Hameed Aslam

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Hameed Aslam is a website design and development expert, as well as an SEO and content strategist. He is the founder of DCreato and many other online ventures. Hameed's skills with web design, development, SEO, and content marketing have helped him achieve success in online business.

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